JohnnyLeCanuck: Snacktime for Sparrow Hawks
JohnnyLeCanuck: Snacktime for Sparrow Hawks
JohnnyLeCanuck: Sparrow Hawk
JohnnyLeCanuck: Hmm Now where is that Breakfast?
JohnnyLeCanuck: Sparrow Hawk
JohnnyLeCanuck: In England even Poo has to slow down!
JohnnyLeCanuck: Sir Baden-Powell
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1699
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1709
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1710
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1715_HDR
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1730
JohnnyLeCanuck: Feeding the Swans at Poole Park
JohnnyLeCanuck: Feeding the Swans at Poole Park
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1761
JohnnyLeCanuck: Poole Park Lake
JohnnyLeCanuck: Poole Park Lake
JohnnyLeCanuck: IMGP1778_HDR
JohnnyLeCanuck: Poole mini-train
JohnnyLeCanuck: Enefco House, Poole Quay
JohnnyLeCanuck: Madeleine blows out the candles
JohnnyLeCanuck: Chris and Stephen
JohnnyLeCanuck: Stephen having his cake