hereticseeker: Mong Kok Street.
hereticseeker: 現実?reality?
hereticseeker: MongKok Street
hereticseeker: Novel's cover 01
hereticseeker: Underdogs
hereticseeker: 茶餐廳 (Cha chan Teng)
hereticseeker: 茶餐廳[續] (Cha chan Teng, continue)
hereticseeker: Centrol
hereticseeker: Inside the UnderDogs Transport Can
hereticseeker: Is she a Surplus?
hereticseeker: What!? Don't just walk away!
hereticseeker: "Delocalization"
hereticseeker: Underdogs cages
hereticseeker: Islam boy
hereticseeker: waiting for getting out of here
hereticseeker: Routine Waypoint
hereticseeker: Consealed art
hereticseeker: _JPN0030s
hereticseeker: 押井守styleShamShiuPoRZ