Donald MacArthur: Minibuses at Johnson transport, Shetland
Donald MacArthur: Andrews depot scene
Donald MacArthur: Jamiesons cullivoe
Donald MacArthur: FJ56YWG b12b panther at halcrow, Shetland
Donald MacArthur: Johnson, brae Turas J600JFJ
Donald MacArthur: Robertson’s minibuses at sellaness
Donald MacArthur: Ex leasks cheetah at halcrows October 2020
Donald MacArthur: Halcrow sprinter YX55DBU
Donald MacArthur: R924OPS Volvo b10m now operated by jamiesons
Donald MacArthur: Minibuses at Robinsons wiesdale
Donald MacArthur: Ex leasks e200 at halcrow October 2020
Donald MacArthur: Robertson’s vehicles at sellaness October 2020
Donald MacArthur: Halcrow, Shetland e200 YX17NRL ex lochs, Isle of Lewis
Donald MacArthur: 2 ex leasks buses on the fleet of J & D.S Halcrow
Donald MacArthur: Several halcrow buses parked up just outside Lerwick
Donald MacArthur: Nicolsons E200 YY67USE
Donald MacArthur: Nicolsons unvi SN16BSY at cunningsburgh
Donald MacArthur: Nicolsons Mercedes 814 beaver 3 PS06BUS
Donald MacArthur: Jamieson’s YE11BUS approaching cullivoe
Donald MacArthur: Halcrow enviro SY14GNK
Donald MacArthur: YX20OGS J&DS Halcrow e200 mmc
Donald MacArthur: YY67USE Nicolson e200
Donald MacArthur: SK15GXX Robertson’s enviro 200
Donald MacArthur: YE11BUS jamieson’s mobi people
Donald MacArthur: I think it should be the other way round!
Donald MacArthur: J&DS Halcrow enviro 200 T70JLS
Donald MacArthur: A&K Transport, Walls Shetland BX64AEO