J N Junker: Uncle Bud Army
J N Junker: Uncle Bud
J N Junker: Uncle Bud, Army
J N Junker: Grandma and Grandpa's Schutz's 40th Anniversary with All of their Grandchildren, Dyer, IN, 1953
J N Junker: In Our Backyard; Dave, John, Sim, and Barb
J N Junker: Sim, Dave, and John
J N Junker: Great Great Aunt Katie Keilman, Catherine Keilman, on Her 100th Birthday in 1959.
J N Junker: Anne with Mom, a Lil and Al Bloom Photo
J N Junker: Junker Family Christmas Photo, 1953; Anne and Barb, Sim, John, and Dave
J N Junker: Anne and Barb, a Photo by Lil and Al Bloom
J N Junker: Anne and Barb
J N Junker: Cropped Photo of Dad in Hyde Park
J N Junker: Mom in Coast Guard Uniform with Penny and Nick
J N Junker: Aunt Margie (L) with Lorraine (?)
J N Junker: Dave, Me, and Sim
J N Junker: Granpa Junker with Barb, Sim, Me, and Dave
J N Junker: Me, not Happy
J N Junker: Dave, Sim, and Me
J N Junker: Night Photo of our Home in Lansing, IL
J N Junker: Little League, Orioles
J N Junker: Little League, Walker Boosters
J N Junker: Uncle Henry (center) with His Sturgeon
J N Junker: Mom from Coast Guard Uniform
J N Junker: Aunt Emma and Me
J N Junker: Dave, Me, and Sim
J N Junker: Watching TV with Grandpa Junker in 1956 (circa)
J N Junker: Dave, Sim, Barb, Me, and Anne
J N Junker: Grandma and Grandpa Schutz with Sim, Me, Dave, Barb
J N Junker: Uncle Swede and Aunt Kate with Penny, Pat, and Tom
J N Junker: Grandma and Grandpa Schutz with Their Children and Grandchildren