john-n: Arriving after the all night drive...
john-n: ...only to leave for the first field stop an hour later.
john-n: DSCN0738
john-n: Desert tortoise, Manix Basin, Mohave, CA
john-n: DSCN0741
john-n: DSCN0742
john-n: Lake sediment!
john-n: DSCN0744
john-n: DSCN0749
john-n: DSCN0750
john-n: Dad contemplating the stage 8 highstand
john-n: DSCN0751
john-n: Stitched_003
john-n: Stitched_002
john-n: DSCN0752
john-n: Rocks with calcium carbonate rinds from Lake Manix high stand
john-n: DSCN0758
john-n: Camp at Early Man site
john-n: Geologist flooding the Manix basin
john-n: Cross bedding in Lake Manix deposits (might just be alluvial... I can't remember)
john-n: DSCN0764
john-n: Josh inspecting Lake Manix deposit outcrop
john-n: Hitting the tracks
john-n: Things fall apart
john-n: Imbrication somewhere from sometime...
john-n: Dogs and desert pavement...
john-n: Westbound train and southbound geologists
john-n: Some actual (subtle) structure in Lake Manix deposits
john-n: Dog inspects faulting
john-n: Stitched_010