johnmknight: The long view (7+ feet)
johnmknight: Not sure what it is, but it's bad!
johnmknight: Ready for flight
johnmknight: Inside the flight deck
johnmknight: Retro time! Classic Space
johnmknight: The bridge
johnmknight: Me and the big ship!
johnmknight: Moon base is a go!
johnmknight: Still putting it together...
johnmknight: putting it together.
johnmknight: Warp core? This baby runs on STEAM!
johnmknight: My son helped... a LOT
johnmknight: Looking through the bridge
johnmknight: Engine alignment
johnmknight: Engines and aft detail.
johnmknight: Moon base detail. Life under the rock!
johnmknight: Big Ship and moon base
johnmknight: Forward flight deck and cargo hold
johnmknight: Detail. Drive core and aft flight deck
johnmknight: 2+ feet tall. Dang she was big.
johnmknight: Mini fighter escort. Blast door? bah!
johnmknight: Unloading space stuff
johnmknight: All pretty and put together
johnmknight: PINK!!! RUN AWAY!!!
johnmknight: Space Chess!
johnmknight: Gas Station