john m flores: This is where Cornell University has two Titan Arum plants.
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Flowering Titan Arum
john m flores: Titan Arum-Humans for Scale
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flowering
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flowering
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flowering
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flowering
john m flores: "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flowering
john m flores: Deep inside the "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flower. This is where it stinks.
john m flores: Deep inside the "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flower. This is where it stinks.
john m flores: Deep inside the "Wee Stinky" Titan Arum flower. This is where it stinks.
john m flores: Titan Arum when not flowering
john m flores: Titan Arum when not flowering