John Lyttle: Toby Bartlett in 3D
John Lyttle: Matt Henderson
John Lyttle: Andrew Yankiwski
John Lyttle: Blair Helgason
John Lyttle: Brian Kelsey
John Lyttle: John Johnston
John Lyttle: Nicole Barry
John Lyttle: the pknwpg13 audience
John Lyttle: Wendy Sawatzky
John Lyttle: Wearing 3D glasses
John Lyttle: The 3D crowd
John Lyttle: Matt Brooks
John Lyttle: MC Oliver Oike, CGD
John Lyttle: Howard Gurevich
John Lyttle: Joseph Ranseth
John Lyttle: Erin Propp singing at PechaKucha
John Lyttle: The group of presenters
John Lyttle: Milling around the stage
John Lyttle: Beer break at pknwpg13
John Lyttle: Used 3D glasses
John Lyttle: 3D glasses
John Lyttle: PKN Winnipeg Vol. 13 in the Freep
John Lyttle: Adrian_Shum
John Lyttle: DJ_Mama_Cutsworth
John Lyttle: Erika_Dueck
John Lyttle: Glenn_Morison
John Lyttle: Jackie_Dombing
John Lyttle: Jeope_Wolfe
John Lyttle: Leif_Norman
John Lyttle: Patrick_Letourneau