johnlamb: chocolate mousse cake at Salas apartment
johnlamb: Italian School
johnlamb: subway map
johnlamb: subway entrance
johnlamb: Oxford University Press Chile
johnlamb: Juan Valdez Cafe
johnlamb: cheese empanadas at McDonalds
johnlamb: Club for Lovers - of Wine
johnlamb: salesman on a Segway in the Alto Las Condes mall
johnlamb: the -once- that Gladys prepared
johnlamb: Chilean salad at Renovales del Bosque - Monica's restaurant
johnlamb: chicken and mashed potatoes at Renovales del Bosque
johnlamb: corner of church halfway up Saint Christopher Hil - Cerro San Cristobal
johnlamb: the Andes above and the city below from the top of Cerro San Cristobal
johnlamb: wall of plaques thanking the Virgin for prayers answered
johnlamb: magnetic escalator at Jumbo keeps the cart from sliding down
johnlamb: Cheerios and Corn Flakes are Nestle brands in Chile
johnlamb: cute little ski shop at Farellones
johnlamb: Lilian soaks in the view down to Santiago from El Colorado
johnlamb: the view from the Aspen Hotel restaurant in El Colorado
johnlamb: clouds between Santiago and El Colorado
johnlamb: beautful snow banks
johnlamb: sun at the top
johnlamb: the road up to Farellones and El Colorado ski resorts