John Jack Rice: The Green Vales
John Jack Rice: A Cloudy Day
John Jack Rice: Over the Lake
John Jack Rice: A Cloudy Blue Sky
John Jack Rice: Up in the Hills
John Jack Rice: Faraway Peak
John Jack Rice: The Green Hills
John Jack Rice: Green Countryside
John Jack Rice: To the Distance
John Jack Rice: Farm Roads
John Jack Rice: The Country Track
John Jack Rice: Out in the Country
John Jack Rice: Connected by the Wires
John Jack Rice: King of the Hill
John Jack Rice: The Mist
John Jack Rice: A Solitary House
John Jack Rice: On the Farm
John Jack Rice: Green Forests
John Jack Rice: Lakeside
John Jack Rice: On the Inside
John Jack Rice: Longer Lands
John Jack Rice: Peaks Up High
John Jack Rice: The Mountain Greens
John Jack Rice: Over the Hills
John Jack Rice: Dark Clouds
John Jack Rice: The Far Lands
John Jack Rice: On the Mountains
John Jack Rice: In the Distance...
John Jack Rice: To Better Pastures