gwarcita: purple coneflower
gwarcita: pasqueflower
gwarcita: pasqueflower
gwarcita: narrowleaf yucca
gwarcita: narrowleaf yucca
gwarcita: New Mexico thistle (closeup)
gwarcita: New Mexico thistle
gwarcita: Rocky Mountain iris, with orange-edged roadside-skipper
gwarcita: Rocky Mountain iris with orange-edged roadside-skipper
gwarcita: shrubby or copper purslane
gwarcita: Flodman's (?) thistle
gwarcita: Drummond's (?) thistle
gwarcita: Drummond's (?) thistle
gwarcita: Drummond's (?) thistle
gwarcita: Leaf Beetle
gwarcita: Dogpile of Leaf Beetles (Zygogramma)
gwarcita: Megalostomis pyropyga
gwarcita: june beetle
gwarcita: spotted cucumber beetle
gwarcita: striped lady beetle
gwarcita: NM Carpet Moth
gwarcita: Graham's nipple cactus flowers
gwarcita: Tetanocera
gwarcita: western spiderwort
gwarcita: Arizona thistle
gwarcita: Western Spotted Orbweaver
gwarcita: Creosote Bush Walkingstick
gwarcita: Soldier Beetle
gwarcita: Soldier Beetle
gwarcita: Spiny Tachina Fly