gwarcita: bee with pollen sac
gwarcita: red-tailed bumble bee
gwarcita: firewheel (blanketflower)
gwarcita: firewheel (blanketflower)
gwarcita: digging in
gwarcita: mm... passionflower
gwarcita: honey bee on globemallow
gwarcita: carpenter bee
gwarcita: carpenter bee
gwarcita: Mystery Bee on Creosotebush Flower
gwarcita: Mystery Bee on Creosotebush Flower
gwarcita: bee with pollen sacs
gwarcita: another angle on the assassin bug
gwarcita: Assassin bug doing his thing to a bee
gwarcita: Bee loaded with pollen
gwarcita: digger bee?
gwarcita: Bombus huntii on Carduus nutans
gwarcita: Christmas Cactus Flower with Bee
gwarcita: IMG_2742
gwarcita: Bee