gwarcita: Long Line of Cars
gwarcita: Hike Begins
gwarcita: View down the spine
gwarcita: View northeast
gwarcita: Alex, Man of Mucho Gear, Part II
gwarcita: At the top of The Praying Monk
gwarcita: Hart Route
gwarcita: IMG_6960
gwarcita: At the top of The Praying Monk
gwarcita: Alex rappelling off The Praying Monk
gwarcita: Alex rappelling off The Praying Monk
gwarcita: The Praying Monk
gwarcita: Alex, Lead Climbing Hart Route
gwarcita: Patrick with Rope
gwarcita: Lookit all those cars!
gwarcita: Me on Hart Route
gwarcita: Me on Hart Route
gwarcita: Almost at the end of the 1st pitch
gwarcita: Alex and Pat at the top of Gargoyle Wall
gwarcita: Me, Rappelling
gwarcita: Action!
gwarcita: View northwest across the valley
gwarcita: View west toward Phoenix