gwarcita: View from the entrance
gwarcita: IMG_6188
gwarcita: IMG_6190
gwarcita: IMG_6191
gwarcita: Soldier Beetle
gwarcita: Soldier Beetle
gwarcita: Ratty-tatty bordered patch
gwarcita: Tiny Checkerspot
gwarcita: IMG_6214
gwarcita: IMG_6217
gwarcita: IMG_6218
gwarcita: Zygogramma arizonica
gwarcita: Danger! Peligro!
gwarcita: View toward Baboquivari Peak
gwarcita: Crazy, unidentified, fuzzy caterpillar
gwarcita: Trail view toward our vehicles
gwarcita: Adobe corner
gwarcita: Alto adobe and pipe
gwarcita: Alto Adobe
gwarcita: Alto Adobe
gwarcita: Say's Phoebe
gwarcita: Golden Eagle being mobbed by Red-tailed Hawks