gwarcita: Starting the hike
gwarcita: Trixis (American threefold)
gwarcita: California suncups
gwarcita: Silverpuffs, gone to seed
gwarcita: Arizona upland desertscrub, in all its glory
gwarcita: IMG_4014
gwarcita: Patrick photographing a coachwhip
gwarcita: Coachwhip in yellow paloverde tree
gwarcita: Coachwhip
gwarcita: Phacelia
gwarcita: Patrick, Heather, Alex
gwarcita: PD & Heather
gwarcita: Wildflowers
gwarcita: Another lovely self-portrait
gwarcita: Desert chicory and Phacelia
gwarcita: IMG_4033
gwarcita: Whispering bells
gwarcita: Looking northeast toward the Goldfield Mountains
gwarcita: Tail of the Goldfield Mountains
gwarcita: North-facing slope of Pass Mountain
gwarcita: View toward the Goldfield Mountains
gwarcita: PD
gwarcita: IMG_4045
gwarcita: Miner's lettuce
gwarcita: IMG_4049
gwarcita: Phacelia flowers
gwarcita: IMG_4051
gwarcita: IMG_4052
gwarcita: Looking north from Pass Mountain Loop
gwarcita: On the trail