gwarcita: Many, many cyclists awaiting the start of the ride
gwarcita: Alex was asking me an inane question, but I forget what it was now...
gwarcita: Chocolate chip pumpkin mini-muffins, courtesy of Wildflower Bread Company
gwarcita: Heather loves chocolate chip pumpkin muffins
gwarcita: Kid plays with frisbee. Older fancy dude in the background catches our eye.
gwarcita: Almost ready to start!
gwarcita: Riding out of Kiwanis Park
gwarcita: Heather blew a tire, then someone (*ahem* Alex) broke her Presta valve on the replacement tube, so then had to patch the blown tube. Chaos!
gwarcita: The crowd blows past us...
gwarcita: Cactus wren, trying to intimidate the crap out of his own reflection, or possibly just mocking us as we fixed Heather's tire.