gwarcita: pre-homebrewfest snack
gwarcita: beer tables in front of the oleander
gwarcita: homebrewfest participants on the back patio
gwarcita: Kangaroo Kick Ale and Repeat Wheat
gwarcita: some of the many chili entries
gwarcita: Pat, Ali and Heidi in the kitchen
gwarcita: Chris's Bad Attitude Chili
gwarcita: Colon Pow and Bad Attitude Chilis
gwarcita: Doug
gwarcita: Gentry's table
gwarcita: "Chili With an Exit Strategy"
gwarcita: Colon Pow & Condoleeza Rice
gwarcita: beer entries
gwarcita: Norton, aka Jesus's, table
gwarcita: Creamy Head and Blinded by the Light beers
gwarcita: Clearly Canadian Geese Ale
gwarcita: Blew Balls Brew
gwarcita: Black Plague Mead
gwarcita: table sign
gwarcita: the Organic Pig mascot
gwarcita: Keith: Mets fan
gwarcita: Bob and Keith: Still a Mets fan
gwarcita: Wet Dream Cream Ale and Orangasm Hefeweizen
gwarcita: Wet Dream Cream Ale and Orangasm Hefeweizen
gwarcita: Roxanne
gwarcita: "What Would Jesus Drink?"
gwarcita: Clearly Canadian Geese Ale
gwarcita: banner in front of the house
gwarcita: banner
gwarcita: Beer Wench