goudance03: Mt. Fitzroy
goudance03: Patagonia
goudance03: QM2 in Ushuaia
goudance03: The Glacier
goudance03: A falling rainbow
goudance03: Iguazu Falls
goudance03: Devils Throat
goudance03: M. Aconcagua, Argentina
goudance03: Peurto Moreno Glacier
goudance03: Cerro Torre Glacier
goudance03: Anti Bush Grafitti
goudance03: Mt. Fitzroy
goudance03: Bariloche Lakes
goudance03: The lakes around Bariloche
goudance03: CIMG0084
goudance03: Tyrone Fans In Bariloche
goudance03: Che on the wall
goudance03: Full Moon El Bolson
goudance03: Ah, Dinner....
goudance03: Full Bloom
goudance03: 3 Little Ducks
goudance03: Ushuaia Rainbow
goudance03: Argentina Chile border
goudance03: Sunset In Bariloche
goudance03: Broken Jetty
goudance03: Patagonia Cloud
goudance03: El Bolson Relaxation
goudance03: Full Moon