bonzoWiltsUK: Versailles
bonzoWiltsUK: Versailles in the distance
bonzoWiltsUK: Versailles
bonzoWiltsUK: Mountainville - top of the hill
bonzoWiltsUK: Philippa
bonzoWiltsUK: Malcolm
bonzoWiltsUK: Day 3 Lunch
bonzoWiltsUK: Transportation des eclairs
bonzoWiltsUK: On the plains
bonzoWiltsUK: On the plains
bonzoWiltsUK: Olivier
bonzoWiltsUK: Sarah and Geoff
bonzoWiltsUK: Joe and Malcolm
bonzoWiltsUK: Philippa
bonzoWiltsUK: Andrew
bonzoWiltsUK: Sarah and Bob
bonzoWiltsUK: John - day 3 morning stop
bonzoWiltsUK: IMG_0176
bonzoWiltsUK: Puncture pause
bonzoWiltsUK: Good one?
bonzoWiltsUK: Group 4
bonzoWiltsUK: Group 4