John Gw: Do you like my big chopper?
John Gw: Compost Making
John Gw: Garden Chores - Trimming the box hedge
John Gw: Fig leaves work
John Gw: Painting the Garage Windows
John Gw: Digging over the Potato Patch
John Gw: Preparing the Barbecue
John Gw: Trimming down the meadow grass bank
John Gw: Trimming down the meadow grass bank
John Gw: Happy New Gardening Year
John Gw: Spraying the weeds on the drive
John Gw: Spraying the weeds on the drive
John Gw: Spraying the weeds on the drive
John Gw: Pulling bramble fromm the hedge
John Gw: Hanging out the washing
John Gw: World Naked Gardening Day 2020
John Gw: Ready to trim the hedge
John Gw: Ready to start hedge cutting
John Gw: Unexpected October sunshine.