JohnCramerPhotography: Takaragawa Onsen Rotenburo 宝川温泉 露天風呂
JohnCramerPhotography: Takaragawa River
JohnCramerPhotography: Takaragawa Onsen Rotenburo 宝川温泉 露天風呂
JohnCramerPhotography: Albino African Pigmy Hedgehog - headshot
JohnCramerPhotography: Takaragawa Snow 宝川温泉
JohnCramerPhotography: Takaragawa Onsen Rotenburo 宝川温泉 露天風呂
JohnCramerPhotography: Bathing in the pouring rain [Explored ♥] #305
JohnCramerPhotography: Entering the Warming Room
JohnCramerPhotography: Standing in the drenching rain, she contemplates on the sign [Explored ♥] #464
JohnCramerPhotography: Kona the Hawaiian Monk Seal
JohnCramerPhotography: Houshi Onsen 法師温泉
JohnCramerPhotography: Outside a Lobster House on Cape Cod
JohnCramerPhotography: Shuzenji Sakura
JohnCramerPhotography: Shuzenji Hotel in Izu
JohnCramerPhotography: DSC03114ab
JohnCramerPhotography: Hedgehog Ball
JohnCramerPhotography: Japanese Wagtail
JohnCramerPhotography: Leo & Roy eating Senbe
JohnCramerPhotography: Globe at Toronto Zoo