JohnCramerPhotography: Behind the Cherry Blossom
JohnCramerPhotography: The Navajo Flute Player [Explored ♥] #68
JohnCramerPhotography: Okinawa Dance by Jun Oshiro
JohnCramerPhotography: Portrait of Baisho Matsumoto
JohnCramerPhotography: Posing with Magnolia Blossoms
JohnCramerPhotography: Whips her Hair
JohnCramerPhotography: Under the Cherry Blossoms
JohnCramerPhotography: Cherry Blossom Yukata girl
JohnCramerPhotography: Oscar Reynolds - Master Bolivian flutist & guitarist
JohnCramerPhotography: Oscar Reynolds - Master Bolivian flutist & guitarist
JohnCramerPhotography: Bob Taniguchi at the Achadinha Cheese Company stand
JohnCramerPhotography: Karaoke Girls
JohnCramerPhotography: Karaoke Girls
JohnCramerPhotography: Ike Cosse: a master bluesman practicing his craft
JohnCramerPhotography: Blues Musician Ike Cosse playing at the Campbell Farmer's Market
JohnCramerPhotography: Blues Musician Ike Cosse playing at the Campbell Farmer's Market
JohnCramerPhotography: Smiling Girl with Hair Blowing
JohnCramerPhotography: Smiling with Flowers
JohnCramerPhotography: Boy on Moon Bridge dressed for Shichi Go San
JohnCramerPhotography: Baisho Matsumoto
JohnCramerPhotography: Shichi Go San