aivar.mikko: Cerro Nelly, Volcano
BoEr 88: feuille automne.jpg
lilired: PIC_0011
BrunoMuk2012: Cosmos
lovesdahlias 1: It has been raining so much all year!
gomosh2: Pink and yellow
.^.Blanksy: Silence and love
Christine_S.: pink geraniums
Gloria Sanvicente: Gertrude Chrysanthemum
CWhatPhotos: Bromeliad. Last legs.
hueso2002es: DSC03202
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Jaltomata viridiflora, Solanaceae
maartenappel: Erotica red
maartenappel: Ferrari Red
Karabelso: Rote Blumen Prinzessin - Red flowers princess.
Karabelso: Winterschneeball mit und ohne Schnee
Gift of Light: U and flow
Bridgeport Mike: Yosemite Valley View Sunset
Sen@d: Rainy September afternoon
Pégé86: Val André
Frédéric Lefebvre - Landscape photography: Patvinsuo National park - Finland
vanderwoud1: Rainy conditions
號獃 H.D: 2015/1/1曙光
號獃 H.D: 霞光-龜山島
iamrawat: Crane
ShaneTaremi: Manhattan skyline: nighttime view from Greenpoint vantage
☜✿☞ Bo ☜✿☞: Ruby Tuesday ... :-)