[Beta]: emo, wet, surprised, John
[Beta]: Pose
[Beta]: How emo of myself
[Beta]: webcam
[Beta]: Post-box
[Beta]: Postbox
[Beta]: thug
[Beta]: Rec bridge
[Beta]: still
[Beta]: My character in Oblivion, John Ross
[Beta]: Langley Hill trig point
[Beta]: X-Face, then colourised
[Beta]: My (new) X-Face:
[Beta]: Me!
[Beta]: Ouch!
[Beta]: scary, John?
[Beta]: Done!
[Beta]: The finish post
[Beta]: disheveled
[Beta]: Half-way!
[Beta]: Basking in Hay-on-eye
[Beta]: Good morning!
[Beta]: Sweat shop!
[Beta]: grumping like Arnie
[Beta]: stop taking photos and walk!
[Beta]: relaxing in the woolies staff room
[Beta]: relaxing in the woolies staff room
[Beta]: relaxing in the woolies staff room
[Beta]: Webcam! 2005/05/28 @ 11:40
[Beta]: the.tshirt.name