johndorfer: Lil' William
johndorfer: William and Scarlett
johndorfer: Punk Rock Photo Show at Powell's
johndorfer: Northampton, MA on a summer's eve
johndorfer: Lil William is into bikes already
johndorfer: Steel Bridge
johndorfer: Willamette Falls at Oregon City
johndorfer: Superfun.
johndorfer: Superfun!
johndorfer: Railroad Bridge in North Portland
johndorfer: The OC Elevator
johndorfer: Punk Rock Photo Show at Powell's
johndorfer: Burnside Bridge
johndorfer: Santa Fe, NM
johndorfer: Japanese Gardens
johndorfer: Creepy clown ride at the Safeway in St. John's
johndorfer: Steel Bridge
johndorfer: Imagine a world where there are 3 dimensions
johndorfer: Tugboat Racing!
johndorfer: Back of William's head, Bryan, Diane, Me at the Japanese Gardens
johndorfer: Santa Fe, NM
johndorfer: Mackerel
johndorfer: Looking stoned after a Eugene cross race
johndorfer: Smith College, Northampton, MA
johndorfer: DeLuxe apartment in the sky
johndorfer: Egon and Mackerel
johndorfer: Painting the stink away
johndorfer: Fudgie the Whale
johndorfer: Lil William
johndorfer: Messing up the tranquility at the Japanese Gardens