John Donaghy: Plan Grande house
John Donaghy: Plan Grande house
John Donaghy: DSC04018
John Donaghy: DSC04019
John Donaghy: DSC04020
John Donaghy: DSC04021
John Donaghy: DSC04023
John Donaghy: DSC04024
John Donaghy: from below the south face
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Front of the house - future garden
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: Views from the house
John Donaghy: The hammock is hung
John Donaghy: The hammock is hung
John Donaghy: The hammock is hung
John Donaghy: The hammock is hung
John Donaghy: Plan Grande
John Donaghy: Plan Grande
John Donaghy: Plan Grande
John Donaghy: Plan Grande