John Donaghy: Gathered at the edge of Dulce Nombre de Copán
John Donaghy: Near the turn off to Dolores
John Donaghy: Near the turn off to Dolores
John Donaghy: Walking up the hill to Dolores
John Donaghy: Walking up the hill to Dolores
John Donaghy: Greeted by the Dolores middle school marching band
John Donaghy: The procession with the Dolores middle school marching band
John Donaghy: The Cross and the parish Sacred Heart image
John Donaghy: Angels
John Donaghy: The procession entering central Dolores
John Donaghy: The Mass platform in Dolores
John Donaghy: Procession enters the main plaza of Dolores
John Donaghy: San Agustín group sings
John Donaghy: Entry procession
John Donaghy: DElegates preparing for the entrance procession
John Donaghy: Padre German Navarro
John Donaghy: Mass in Dolores
John Donaghy: Blessing with water