John Donaghy: Padre German greeting Gloria
John Donaghy: Padre German Navarro
John Donaghy: Monseñor Darwin Andino & Padre German Navarro
John Donaghy: Padre German Navarro, administrator of Dulc enombre parish
John Donaghy: Padre German making his profession of faith
John Donaghy: Installation of Padre German in Dulce Nombre
John Donaghy: Symbolic gifts for offertory
John Donaghy: Professors Arnaldo and Miriam prepare the offerings
John Donaghy: Bishop Darwin Andino and me
John Donaghy: Padre German
John Donaghy: DSC05144
John Donaghy: DSC05123
John Donaghy: Incensing the tabernacle
John Donaghy: Before the tabernacle
John Donaghy: DSC05100
John Donaghy: DSC05097
John Donaghy: Communion
John Donaghy: Mass of installation
John Donaghy: Mass of installation
John Donaghy: Mass of installation
John Donaghy: Mass of installation
John Donaghy: DSC05000
John Donaghy: Padre German
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate
John Donaghy: Admission as deacon candidate