John Donaghy:
Amy's tortilla
John Donaghy:
Antonio peeling an orange with a machete
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
Playing in the school yard
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John playing
John Donaghy:
Heading the soccer the ball
John Donaghy:
John waiting for the soccer ball
John Donaghy:
Kids waiting for school
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
With the village church council
John Donaghy:
with the village church council
John Donaghy:
during the village church council meeting
John Donaghy:
durign the village church council meeting
John Donaghy:
climbing the flag pole by the school
John Donaghy:
climing the flag pole in the school year
John Donaghy:
Preparing rebar for the church
John Donaghy:
yoga at the of the new church
John Donaghy:
Child, father, and corn husks
John Donaghy:
child, father, and corn husks