John Donaghy: Preparing a new bridge to the community
John Donaghy: Building a house
John Donaghy: Building a house
John Donaghy: Communal yucca project
John Donaghy: Communal yucca project
John Donaghy: seed corn drying
John Donaghy: Preparing seed trays for sweet peppers
John Donaghy: Preparing seed trays for sweet peppers
John Donaghy: Mauro distributing vegetable seeds
John Donaghy: Musicians getting ready for Mass
John Donaghy: Mass in San Antonio
John Donaghy: Mass in San Antonio
John Donaghy: awaiting baptism
John Donaghy: Maria at Mass
John Donaghy: Awaiting baptism
John Donaghy: To be baptized
John Donaghy: Maria at Mass
John Donaghy: baptism
John Donaghy: baptism
John Donaghy: baptism
John Donaghy: baptism
John Donaghy: Pedro baptized with lots of water
John Donaghy: Pedro baptized with lots of water
John Donaghy: Let your light shine
John Donaghy: Fr. Henry at the end of Mass
John Donaghy: Baptismal soaking of Pedro