John Donaghy: Altar decorated for Palm Sunday
John Donaghy: Palm Sunday Procession
John Donaghy: Palm Sunday Procession
John Donaghy: Palm Sunday Procession
John Donaghy: Palm Sunday Procession
John Donaghy: Palm Sunday Procession
John Donaghy: What's a procession without noisy firecrackers
John Donaghy: "Jesús" and children
John Donaghy: Padre Henry blessing Palms
John Donaghy: Blessing palms
John Donaghy: children dressed for the procession
John Donaghy: dark sawdust carpet
John Donaghy: Dove with flower
John Donaghy: a nearly finished carpet
John Donaghy: down and up the hill
John Donaghy: a pattern in colored sawdust
John Donaghy: down the hill
John Donaghy: outside the church of San Martin
John Donaghy: Image carried in Palm Sunday procession
John Donaghy: Venerating the Cross
John Donaghy: BIshop Andino speaking at end of Sations
John Donaghy: Fourteenth Station
John Donaghy: Heading toward the Catholic University
John Donaghy: Confessions in the street
John Donaghy: Cross carried in the Way of the Cross
John Donaghy: Diocesan Stations of the Cross 2012
John Donaghy: Processing
John Donaghy: A mighty crowd
John Donaghy: By the hospital
John Donaghy: On the street