John Donaghy:
Rosa Inés facilitador
John Donaghy:
Walking with one shoe
John Donaghy:
Prayer outside
John Donaghy:
Tree of commitments
John Donaghy:
Tree of commitments
John Donaghy:
Cartografía - social mapping
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Social mapping
John Donaghy:
Social mapping
John Donaghy:
Caritas Nacional Honduras staff
John Donaghy:
Madre 2012 de Caritas
John Donaghy:
Madre de Caritas 2012
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Social mapping
John Donaghy:
Presenting our socail mapping
John Donaghy:
Barrio map
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Final Prayer
John Donaghy:
What is contructing peace?
John Donaghy:
Caritas center in Siguatepeque
John Donaghy:
Group work
John Donaghy:
Group work
John Donaghy:
Group work, mapping conflict
John Donaghy:
Group work, mapping conflict
John Donaghy:
Group work, mapping conflict
John Donaghy:
Group work, mapping conflict
John Donaghy:
Group work, mapping conflict
John Donaghy:
Trees of conflict
John Donaghy:
Tree of conflcit