John Donaghy:
Altar for the Mass of installation
John Donaghy:
Monseñor Lus Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Priests in procession
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John Donaghy:
Monseñor Darwin Andino
John Donaghy:
Monseñor Luis Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Monseñor Darwin Andino and Monseñor Luis Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Monseñor Darwin Andino and Monseñor Luis Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Disintegration of the family
John Donaghy:
Monseñor Santos giving the homily
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Monseñor Darwin distributing communion
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Archbishop Luigi Bianco
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The newly installed bishop greeting the diocese
John Donaghy:
Padre Miguel Pozuelo, CP, welcoming the new bishop
John Donaghy:
Bishop Darwin greeting people
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Exreme poverty
John Donaghy:
Monseñores Andino, Santos, y Bianco