John Donaghy:
Waiting for Mass
John Donaghy:
Food for thousands (being sold)
John Donaghy:
Arriving at the site of the airport
John Donaghy:
Crowd at Mass
John Donaghy:
Crowd at Mass
John Donaghy:
Flier supporting the airport
John Donaghy:
United we can achieve the airport
John Donaghy:
part of the crowd
John Donaghy:
Saint Joseph and airplane
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Bishop Luis Alfonso Santos preachibng
John Donaghy:
Student with sign
John Donaghy:
Communion crowd
John Donaghy:
Father Efraín Romero and Bishop Luis Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Bishop Luis Alfonso Santos
John Donaghy:
Bishop Santos blessing the field with holy water
John Donaghy:
Juan Orlando Hernández's helicopter
John Donaghy:
Juan Orlando Hernández's helicopter
John Donaghy:
Bishop Santos with President of the National Congress Juan Orlando Hernández
John Donaghy:
Welcome sign in Concepción
John Donaghy:
Airport sign in Dulce Nombre
John Donaghy:
In the distance the San Andrés gold mine
John Donaghy:
Note fromt he Regional Council tot he Tourism minister
John Donaghy:
Tee shirt supporting the airport
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Tire from 1958 plane
John Donaghy:
1958 photo
John Donaghy:
Pastoral worker with scripture
John Donaghy:
Papier maché plane