John Donaghy: Lot for the casa cural
John Donaghy: Church center under reconstruction
John Donaghy: Church center under reconstruction
John Donaghy: Lot for the casa cural
John Donaghy: San Juan Bautista church
John Donaghy: San Juan Bautista church
John Donaghy: Church of San Juan Bautista
John Donaghy: Church of San Juan Bautista
John Donaghy: Park, San juan Intibucá, Honduras
John Donaghy: Mostly indigneous, gathered for the ceremony
John Donaghy: Mostly indigneous, gathered for the ceremony
John Donaghy: High School kids' skit
John Donaghy: watching a skit
John Donaghy: High School kids' skit
John Donaghy: watcing a skit
John Donaghy: Santa Rosa Bishop Santos addressing the crowd
John Donaghy: Bishop Santos blessing the center
John Donaghy: The sign reads- "Births free" (I hope so.)
John Donaghy: Minister of Health and Bishop SAatos
John Donaghy: Rain approaching
John Donaghy: Transportation
John Donaghy: Church of San Juan
John Donaghy: Church of San Juan
John Donaghy: Parish center