John Donaghy: The Light of Christ
John Donaghy: Baptism and Communion candidates
John Donaghy: Baptism in El Zapote de Santa Rosa
John Donaghy: Baptism in Bañaderos, Concepción
John Donaghy: Mass and Baptisms, Concepción
John Donaghy: Dramatization of Matthew 25
John Donaghy: Creations of God
John Donaghy: Creations of God
John Donaghy: Creations of God
John Donaghy: Creations of God
John Donaghy: Religious ed class Pascuingual
John Donaghy: Candelaria religious education 1 + 2
John Donaghy: Religious education
John Donaghy: Religious ed Candelaria
John Donaghy: Some kids
John Donaghy: La Gran Familia (a part)
John Donaghy: Kids in religious ed
John Donaghy: Carla and Jorelyn
John Donaghy: Catechist from Candelaria
John Donaghy: Catechist and children leading a song
John Donaghy: Religious ed children singing
John Donaghy: Hector with his picture
John Donaghy: Coloring a picture
John Donaghy: Catechists workshop
John Donaghy: Catechists workshop
John Donaghy: a "wedding"
John Donaghy: Plan Grande skit
John Donaghy: Plan Grande skit
John Donaghy: El Zapote group skit
John Donaghy: Group singing