John Donaghy: Intibucá
John Donaghy: Intibucá
John Donaghy: Intibucá
John Donaghy: San José from the Nativity
John Donaghy: Altar in the church in Camasca
John Donaghy: Facade of the church in Camasca
John Donaghy: Facade of the church in Camasca
John Donaghy: San Miguel (I think)
John Donaghy: Santiago Apóstol (Saint James the Greater, Apostle)
John Donaghy: Entering the church
John Donaghy: Bishop Santos incensing the altar
John Donaghy: Padre Rigo and Monseñor Santos
John Donaghy: Bishop Santos confirming
John Donaghy: Padre Nicolás confirming
John Donaghy: Padre Rigo confirming
John Donaghy: "You are the light of the world"
John Donaghy: Sorghum (maicillo)
John Donaghy: Padre Rigo on another means of transport
John Donaghy: Rio Lempa
John Donaghy: Mass in San Francisco
John Donaghy: Rio Lempa
John Donaghy: Welcome, Deacon Celeo
John Donaghy: Entrance Procession
John Donaghy: Deacon Celeo Castro
John Donaghy: Bishop Santos and clergy
John Donaghy: Deacon Celeo being presented to the bishop
John Donaghy: Bishop Santos and priests
John Donaghy: Deacon Celeo prostrates
John Donaghy: Bishop imposes hands, ordaining Padre Celeo
John Donaghy: Priests impose hands on Padre Celeo