John Donaghy: Working together
John Donaghy: Sharing their discussion
John Donaghy: Exercise during a break
John Donaghy: Catholic Social Teaching workshop
John Donaghy: An icebreaker
John Donaghy: Listing problems of Honduras
John Donaghy: Listing problems of Honduras
John Donaghy: Explaining their list of problems
John Donaghy: Me leading a workshop
John Donaghy: Waiting for seeds and seelings
John Donaghy: Lunch
John Donaghy: Kirsten (Caritas Norway) and Petronila
John Donaghy: Brenda (Caritas Santa Rosa) and Juan
John Donaghy: Lepaera meeting
John Donaghy: The finished nursery
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro
John Donaghy: CRS reps visit Plan de Socorro