John Donaghy: Lighting his candle from the Easter candle
John Donaghy: Blessing all with holy water
John Donaghy: Baptism
John Donaghy: Baptism
John Donaghy: Blessing the water
John Donaghy: Blessing the water
John Donaghy: First communicants in prayer
John Donaghy: Easter Vigil
John Donaghy: Singing the Easter Proclamation, the Exultete
John Donaghy: The Light of Christ
John Donaghy: The Light of Christ
John Donaghy: Baptism candidates light their candles
John Donaghy: Lighting her candle
John Donaghy: Procession of light
John Donaghy: Baptism and Communion candidates
John Donaghy: Easter candle at the front of the procession
John Donaghy: Lighting the Easter Candle
John Donaghy: Blessing the fire
John Donaghy: Blessing the fire Easter Vigil, Dulce Nombre de Maria, Dulce Nombre de Copán, Honduras
John Donaghy: The Easter Fire
John Donaghy: The Easter Fire
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Santo Entierro - Holy Burial, San Agustín
John Donaghy: Final station, San Agustín, Good Friday