John Donaghy:
Moises "teaching"
John Donaghy:
Moises add to the cow manure pile
John Donaghy:
Eliezar with the cows
John Donaghy:
An ear of corn
John Donaghy:
Look at that branch full of oranges
John Donaghy:
Look at that stalk of bananas
John Donaghy:
Frijol de abono
John Donaghy:
Pounding the egg shells
John Donaghy:
Adding the chicken manure
John Donaghy:
Egg shells & yeast are added
John Donaghy:
Breaking up the pieces of sugar.
John Donaghy:
Bocachi - adding a sugar solution
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Greens for bocachi
John Donaghy:
Cutting banana stalks for bocachi
John Donaghy:
Bocachi - adding greens
John Donaghy:
Bocachi - with grain
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Making a liquid fertilizer
John Donaghy:
Making a liquid fertilizer
John Donaghy:
The rice concoction
John Donaghy:
Ingredients for the liquid fertilizer
John Donaghy:
Mixing the liquid fertilizer
John Donaghy:
Liquid ferilizer
John Donaghy:
John Donaghy:
Grafting citrus.
John Donaghy:
Grafting workshop
John Donaghy:
Padre Amilcar
John Donaghy:
Small group work