John Donaghy: Fountain of the Maidens/Seasons
John Donaghy: Fountain of the Maidens/Seasons
John Donaghy: Fountain of the Maidens/Seasons
John Donaghy: Fountain of the Maidens/Seasons
John Donaghy: Campanile, ISU
John Donaghy: Fall, Ames
John Donaghy: Lake La Verne, ISU
John Donaghy: Lake La Verne, ISU
John Donaghy: Lake La Verne, ISU
John Donaghy: Fall(en) Leaves
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: ISU Campanile
John Donaghy: Iowa State University central campus
John Donaghy: Fuente de las cuatro mujeres indígenas