John Donaghy: We are Catholics like you!
John Donaghy: The world
John Donaghy: Picture from STA to Homduras
John Donaghy: A picture from St. Thomas
John Donaghy: Card from Plan Grande
John Donaghy: Card from Plan Grande
John Donaghy: Me with pictures
John Donaghy: Shari Reilly
John Donaghy: La Gran Familia and Kathy and Shari
John Donaghy: St. Thomas is recognized
John Donaghy: The shower is tall enough for Shzamir
John Donaghy: Shzamir and Trisha
John Donaghy: Making the shower walls
John Donaghy: Digging a ditch
John Donaghy: Trisha mixing cement
John Donaghy: Bulding a wall
John Donaghy: Rocks
John Donaghy: John "spackling" the cement wall
John Donaghy: Digging
John Donaghy: Keri bearing rocks
John Donaghy: Rocks for foundations
John Donaghy: Work team (in part)
John Donaghy: Work team in El Zapote
John Donaghy: Some babies smile (while their mothers hide)
John Donaghy: Trying to hide from me
John Donaghy: Vegetation
John Donaghy: Where did that frisbee go?
John Donaghy: Early morning in El Zapote
John Donaghy: Hen gathering chickes under her wings
John Donaghy: Finds the kids