John Donaghy: El Bálsamo
John Donaghy: Mountain view near Delicias de Copán
John Donaghy: A hill near El Bálsamo
John Donaghy: Fr. Roel and a turkey
John Donaghy: Fr. Roel and students
John Donaghy: Students
John Donaghy: The stundets near a house
John Donaghy: A group discussion
John Donaghy: Leadership team of El Bálsamo
John Donaghy: El fogata
John Donaghy: The piñata
John Donaghy: The piñata and me
John Donaghy: A group of students
John Donaghy: Little guys from El Bálsamo
John Donaghy: More children of El Bálsamo