John Donaghy: Center of Art for Peace - Suchitoto
John Donaghy: Entrance to the Centro
John Donaghy: Chapel of San José
John Donaghy: Chapel entrance
John Donaghy: Chapel
John Donaghy: Chapel
John Donaghy: Chapel
John Donaghy: The entry to the former classroom area.
John Donaghy: Insignia above the school entrance
John Donaghy: Classroom courtyard
John Donaghy: The former convent
John Donaghy: Peace center - chapel under renovation
John Donaghy: Ingenio San Francisco
John Donaghy: Ingenio San Francisco
John Donaghy: Centro Arte para la Paz
John Donaghy: Centro Arte para la Paz, Suchitoto
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: Santa Lucia church, Suchitoto
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: image
John Donaghy: DSC00543
John Donaghy: DSC00558
John Donaghy: DSC00556
John Donaghy: Guadalupe celebration
John Donaghy: Guadalupe celebration
John Donaghy: Guadalupe celebration