John DeSavage: Independent Games Festival 1
John DeSavage: Independent Games Festival 2
John DeSavage: Sony Keynote Line
John DeSavage: Lunch at Yerba Buena Gardens
John DeSavage: Chillin' on the lawn
John DeSavage: Leisurely Swim
John DeSavage: Drinking Bird
John DeSavage: Drinking Bird (detail)
John DeSavage: Drinking Bird (even more detail)
John DeSavage: The World Is Your Oyster
John DeSavage: Blinding...
John DeSavage: Now You're Just Showing Off
John DeSavage: Yelling Bird?
John DeSavage: Gossiping at the Watering Hole
John DeSavage: Of A Feather
John DeSavage: Game Design Challenge
John DeSavage: Born/Dead at Balazo
John DeSavage: Born/Dead
John DeSavage: Live the Chaos
John DeSavage: Born/Dead - Wyatt
John DeSavage: Born/Dead - Will and Josh
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines - Dave
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines - Matt G
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines - Crowd
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines - Dave and Matt T
John DeSavage: Circle Pit
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines - Metal Mary
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines
John DeSavage: Behind Enemy Lines