oreofuzz: Celebrating The New Year
oreofuzz: This should keep the other swimmers out of my lane.
oreofuzz: This is my eye.
oreofuzz: Swimming With Sticks
oreofuzz: Growing A Sharkfin
oreofuzz: Ivan the Tired
oreofuzz: What's going on behind those goggles?
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Pool Patterns
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Waiting For Brother
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Catching A Breath
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Kids In the Crowd
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Future Swimmer
oreofuzz: Scenes From A Swim Meet - Backstroke Start
oreofuzz: Cat Art - Cart?
oreofuzz: Let Sleepy Cats Lie
oreofuzz: Traffic Patterns
oreofuzz: After the wind stops, what do you find?
oreofuzz: Storm Clouds Coming
oreofuzz: Winter Leaves
oreofuzz: Friends
oreofuzz: Arthur
oreofuzz: Snow Painted Trees
oreofuzz: Migrating Tree Trunks
oreofuzz: Burned Trees in Snow
oreofuzz: Steam Rising
oreofuzz: Skull Rock
oreofuzz: Steamy Bokeh
oreofuzz: Missed It By That Much!
oreofuzz: Mr. Whiskers