John Dickens: Suzie arrives home
John Dickens: First Day home
John Dickens: 15th Feb
John Dickens: tired now
John Dickens: stupid hat
John Dickens: Daddy looks confused
John Dickens: hello grandma
John Dickens: Picture 001
John Dickens: Picture 002
John Dickens: stop laughing at my hat I am not a Smurf
John Dickens: I think they like me
John Dickens: suziehand
John Dickens: suzieface
John Dickens: Holly and Suzie
John Dickens: The Zoolander pose
John Dickens: Suzie and Grandma Janet
John Dickens: Suzie and Grandma Janet
John Dickens: Suzie and Grandma Janet
John Dickens: Suzie and Grandma Janet
John Dickens: Suzie answers the virtual phone
John Dickens: Suzie pulls a face
John Dickens: Freya rides the horsey