tatlmt: The Parthenon
tatlmt: The Acropolis
tatlmt: Theater of Dionysos
tatlmt: The Acropolis up on a hill
tatlmt: View from the Acropolis
tatlmt: The Temple of Athena Nike
tatlmt: View from the Acropolis
tatlmt: The Old Temple of Athena
tatlmt: High winds on the Acropolis
tatlmt: Fruit stand in Athens
tatlmt: View from the Acropolis
tatlmt: Mystras ruins
tatlmt: Memorial
tatlmt: Mycenaean ruins
tatlmt: Mycenaean ruins
tatlmt: Mycenaean ruins
tatlmt: Mystras ruins
tatlmt: 700 year old paintings
tatlmt: Cool flowers
tatlmt: Mystras ruins on a hillside
tatlmt: Greek beach/resort
tatlmt: Looking down on some of the Mystras ruins.
tatlmt: Mystras ruins
tatlmt: Mystras ruins
tatlmt: 700 year old paintings
tatlmt: Mystras ruins
tatlmt: Mystras fortress on top
tatlmt: Holy Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
tatlmt: View from Delphi Camping
tatlmt: Greek Ruins at Delphi