tatlmt: Opening
tatlmt: Tandem geeks the camera
tatlmt: Sol on his back
tatlmt: Sol
tatlmt: Sol and tandem
tatlmt: AMG_0524
tatlmt: Sol
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: Sol videos tandem
tatlmt: In a stand
tatlmt: Christoph
tatlmt: Christoph
tatlmt: Rotating to follow
tatlmt: Line Stretch
tatlmt: Christoph videos a tandem
tatlmt: Christoph videos a tandem
tatlmt: Spinning
tatlmt: Joining up
tatlmt: Christoph with Tandem
tatlmt: Christoph
tatlmt: AMG_0395
tatlmt: Tandem
tatlmt: On the step
tatlmt: Camcorder on
tatlmt: The drogue is out