johndal: Moschatel
johndal: Forgetmenot
johndal: Moschatel
johndal: Yellow Star of Bethlehem
johndal: Sweet Violet
johndal: Yellow Star of Bethlehem
johndal: Wood Anemone
johndal: Sweet Violets
johndal: Native Daffodil
johndal: Broad-leaved Helleborine
johndal: Herb Paris
johndal: Common Whitlowgrass
johndal: All the B's
johndal: Coltsfoot
johndal: Golden Saxifrage
johndal: Eyebright (Euphrasia sp.)
johndal: Cottongrass
johndal: Helleborine
johndal: Full Frontal
johndal: Recumbent Foxglove
johndal: Dog Rose
johndal: Shining Cranesbill
johndal: Yellow Pimpernel
johndal: Alpine Penny-cress
johndal: Cuckoo Pint
johndal: Barren Strawberry
johndal: Ramsons
johndal: The Floral Dance
johndal: Toothwort
johndal: Egg on a stick